Perfect Game (PG) is a great way for certain athletes to get identified initially; however, every college coach and professional scout will tell you that if the talent is there, you will be discovered. PG had built a phenomenal business providing baseball athletes exposure, and there are 3-4 events each year that really do a good job and putting you in front of hundreds of collegiate and professional scouts.
However, there is a level of “FOMO” (Fear Of Missing Out) that exists where it seems parents are taking out a 4th mortgage to make sure their son doesn’t miss an event and thereby watch his PG ranking suffer. The reality is collegiate and professional baseball is a business, just like any other business. They must reward the best players in the end because their jobs depend on it. A young prospect could lead the league in PG appearances; however, if you’re not superior in skill, you’ll find yourself simply out of a bunch of money.
Once “on the radar” I would suggest trying to earn invitations to events such as Team USA’s Tournament of the Stars, the Area Code Games, East Coast Pro, and other events run by the scouting industry that are not “pay to play” but rather invitations from the Industry to the best prospects.